Последние поступления
Феномен одаренности
Раздел: Основы медицинских знаний
Язык: Русский
В данной монографии одаренность рассматривается в личностно-целевой парадигме, согласно которой исходным пунктом в изучении одарённости является не структура деятельности, а целостно-личностная характ ...
Life Style, Health and Well-being among Teenagers
Раздел: Основы медицинских знаний
Язык: Русский
Under the impact of rapid consumerism, technological boom and changing social contexts, teenager’s life style has undergone vulnerable shifts. However, despite of media attention and awareness, academ ...
Job Satisfaction of Teachers
Раздел: Основы медицинских знаний
Язык: Русский
The term “organizational climate” was coined in 1939 following a study of children’s school clubs by Kurt Lewin and his colleagues.As for schools, climate is a necessary link between organizational st ...
Family Caregiving in Mental Illness: Burden, Personality, Well-being
Раздел: Основы медицинских знаний
Язык: Русский
This longitudinal study examined factors that can contribute to subjective well-being of primary caregivers to family members with mental illness. Personality constructs, coping behaviours and caregiv ...
Why Emotional Intelligence Matters
Раздел: Основы медицинских знаний
Язык: Русский
The person who remains resilient in the face of life’s inevitable challenges, who can establish a lasting intimate romantic connection with another individual, and who can achieve a high level of occu ...