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An Evolutionary Model for Indirect Collaboration
Раздел: Основы информатики, общие работы
Язык: Русский
This research focused on the application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) based methodologies to collaborative problem solving. Direct mechanisms for online asynchronous group work were compared to an indire ...
Telemedicine Solutions in Resource-poor Settings
Раздел: Основы информатики, общие работы
Язык: Русский
The World Health Organization‘s (WHO) Health for All strategy recommends WHO and its member states to “…integrate the appropriate use of health telematics in the overall policy and strategy for the at ...
Interdependence between Agents in Multi Agent Systems
Раздел: Основы информатики, общие работы
Язык: Русский
Interdependence relationships have defined the foundation of cooperation between agents but have been limited by existing protocols. As a consequence, the idle agents are not able to form joint collab ...
Cyber operations - a permanent part of the global conflict
Раздел: Основы информатики, общие работы
Язык: Русский
It is more than obvious that the way of conducting operations with the time are becoming more sophisticated. The cyber operations through the most severe threats known as cyber attacks and cyber terro ...
Как общаться с сотрудником ГИБДД по состоянию на 2015 г., Андрей Финкель
Страниц: 128
Год издания: 2015
Язык: Русский
Книга представляет собой комментарий к Административному регламенту МВД РФ исполнения государственной функции по контролю и надзору за соблюдением участниками дорожного движения требований в области о ...